Thanksgiving Takeout Dinner

Enjoy the holiday with family and friends and let us doing the cooking! Start placing your takeout orders now until November 21 for either a Thanksgiving meal on the 24th or 25th of the month! Click on the link below for more delicious details:…/BIR-Thanksgiving-Takeout…
Holiday Open House

Stop into River Place Shops and the Bavarian Inn Restaurant Castle Shops for a Holiday Open House! Get your Christmas list started and enjoy the following offers: Prize drawings, homemade items, free gift wrapping, free gift with $25 cumulative purchase at all participating locations, and unique gifts for everyone you need to buy for! Participating […]
Brews & Beards Tap Takeover

No time like No Shave November than to host an event where we honor those with beards! Come out to Michigan on Main located at the Bavarian Inn Restaurant for a fun event that will feature Beards Brewery & Detroit Grooming Co. as they offer up great swag items, 4 beard contests, and 12 specialty […]